The pre-production process is the first stage of creating animations. During this stage, the animation team develops the story and writes the script of the animation, designs the characters, creates a storyboard, chooses the color palettes, prepares the backgrounds, and records the voice-over. This is a preparation stage for the main process, so it needs to be properly done. A well-written script should imply all the visual actions and storyline. The storyboard is based on the script, so it visually represents the sequence of actions and events by showing how they are organized.
Storytelling and Storyboard
Today, stories are all around us. All they need is an interesting voice to connect with the audience and leave an impact. When you think of your all-time favourite movies in Bollywood or Hollywood, they will all have one thing in common – exceptional storytelling. A filmmaker will tell you how important a role storyboarding plays in creating a visual story.
Why you need a storyboard?
When you’ve got a great story to tell and the skills to shoot it well, you might wonder if you really need a storyboard? If it’s an extra step that delays your production. Well, it’s not. In fact, it’s one of the most important steps involved in a film as it helps you.
Share your vision
You might have the whole story with the smallest details in your head, but you cannot convey it all just through your words. With the help of this visual aid, you can explain your vision to the entire team. Many people can’t visualise from a script the way you probably do. A storyboard is a perfect way to explain your idea to others.
Reduce production hassles
A storyboard gives you a plan and a roadmap for production. You know the shots you’ll need, the order of the video and also the way your visuals will interact with the script. You can plan your angles, coverage, and storyline perfectly with a storyboard.
Save Time
When time is money, a storyboard can reduce a lot of revisions in the long term. It makes the process smooth and simple, thus saving time, energy and money.
Character Design
>A character designer(or character artist) creates the entire concept, style, and artwork of a character from scratch. This often includes a deep look into the character’s personality to develop a visual idea of the character’s physical features.
Creating an entire character from scratch(human or otherwise) takes a lot of creative energy.
That’s why the process of character design is very complex and is often one of the most sought-after careers for aspiring entertainment artists.
Every artist has their own creative process so there is no “right way” to create a character.
But typically the character design process starts with a briefing of the character. The character could be a mutant turtle with ninja-like abilities, or just some person who lives a simple workaday lifestyle.
With this briefing there’s often a series of suggested traits be they physical or emotional, and the character designer uses those notes to start thumbnailing ideas. Rough thumbnails help to flesh out the many directions that the designer could take.
Layout and Background
>In animation, a background layout is the line drawing of the background for a scene. It is not the finished background painted in color that you see on the screen.
Layouts are drawn from storyboards which define the action and perspective in the scene. Layout drawings are then given to the background painters to color and complete the visual style..
>Production is the process of creating the animation by gathering all the created materials together and producing the scenes. This includes painting the backgrounds, creating the individual scenes and character activities, making the rough animation, cleaning up the animation (tracing), inbetweening, coloring, and painting the drawings with the help of computer software, compositing, and export.